Tuesday 2 October 2012

#09 Married to the Sea: Exceptions

Oh, hello. The 5th of October will see the final Used Vinyl Club release and will be the final Used Vinyl Club show. We're a little bit sad and a little bit excited. We'll have the first ever Mean Jean show, we'll show off Silent Sleep's skills to our Used Vinyl mates and Married to the Sea will throw tracks from their 7 track rarities and remixes EP at our ears:

Whilst trying to decide what to put together for our UVC release, we realised that over the past few years we seem to have somehow managed to accumulate a small, but interesting collection of musical bits and pieces. Songs that we've recorded in our practice room or in the back room of our flat or recordings from live radio sessions have tended to just float around without being able to find a proper home.

It seemed a shame to let them stay in the wilderness, so we've brought them all together, given them a title and created what will essentially be a collection of rarities and remixes.

Initially we wanted to do a kind of acoustic EP for our UVC release but despite abandoning this idea, one of the recordings has made it onto the CD - a brand new track 'Save it for the field' - Alongside this we've dug up tracks from our live session on Radio 2 with Janice Long, long lost alternative versions, an 8-bit cover of 'Metropolitan' by the very awesome ArcadeComa and a mini collection of remixes by some very talented friends.

It's always weird hearing a remix of one of your own songs - you kind of feel a bit violated but in a totally cool way. Its great to get to hear a song torn up and reassembled - like a musical Robocop, but with less acid.

Hopefully this EP will bookend what has become an amazing musical project and we'd like to take this chance to thank all the bands involved for being really supportive and encouraging and especially to Andy Donovan for having a great idea and seeing it through with such dedication and love.

Over and out, Married to the Sea.